Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thesis complete...or at least the official first round

I emailed my thesis to my committee today (aka the poetry dream team). I thought it would feel really good, but I feel strange...sorta unproductive. I always complain about being so busy, but I think it is what saves me from craziness.

Cheesy quote time.

I cannot do without something which is greater than I, the power to create.



Sara said...

congrats! thesis time is fun. I kinda miss it. betcha didn't think you'd hear me say that, huh? Can't wait to catch up.

marybid said...

I'm really enjoying it so far, Jen! I will have comments for you soon. :)

Jennifer Sullivan said...

Thanks, Mary. I am already finding things that need fixed.

I hope you start feeling better.

Sara-It was so nice to catch up!

Amy said...

Yikes! I'm way behind!

Jennifer Sullivan said...

Amy-I don't think you are behind. It just depends on your thesis advisor's preference.

Amy said...

Yeah, my thesis advisor is very disorganized and a noted underachiever. At her age she should be a well-known and published poet, a popular professor, future head of an MFA program, new head of a university press, founder of a new literary magazine, mother of two kids, have a PhD, arrange her books in alphabetical order, have cute shoes, a blog, and lots of friends...